The Institute for Work and Health (IWH) has released some new research summaries about workers' compensation.
Emile Tompa's study of the impact of experience rating on workplace injury suggests Ontario's current system encourages claim management over injury prevention. Tompa's study will be published in a special issue of Policy and Practice in Health and Safety which is due out soon.
The IWH has also issued an Issues Briefing examining the effect of the recent recession on workers' compensation claims. This research found that claims tended to decline to a greater degree than hours worked during recessions. This suggests the common belief that claims rise (i.e., compensation is counter cyclical) during a recession (due to malingering) is incorrect.
-- Bob Barnetson
Examining contemporary issues in employment, labour relations and workplace injury in Alberta.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Workplace learning and austerity
The Journal of Workplace Learning has recently published "Not learning in the workplace: Austerity and shattering the illusio in public service work." This article departs from much of the literature on workplace learning by examining how public policy can trigger instances of "not learning" in the workplace.
The gist of the article is that austerity measures create significant stress and conflict in workplaces. This can be particularly evident when the priorities of managers and workers clash. Managerial priorities typically win out in such clashes and cause workers much angst.
One of the ripple-on effects of this conflict is to inhibit workplace learning. Ironically, workplace learning is inhibited at exactly the moment when workers are being pressurized to do more with less (or, in the lexicon of neoliberalism, being asked to "innovate").
-- Bob Barnetson
The gist of the article is that austerity measures create significant stress and conflict in workplaces. This can be particularly evident when the priorities of managers and workers clash. Managerial priorities typically win out in such clashes and cause workers much angst.
One of the ripple-on effects of this conflict is to inhibit workplace learning. Ironically, workplace learning is inhibited at exactly the moment when workers are being pressurized to do more with less (or, in the lexicon of neoliberalism, being asked to "innovate").
-- Bob Barnetson
Friday, April 20, 2012
CARWH 2012 Conference
The Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health is hosting its bi-annual conference on June 1 and 2 in Vancouver. The conference program has just been posted and looks fantastic.
Of particular interest to me is panel on using WCB data to improve our knowledge of OHS as well as panels on vulnerable populations and precarious employment.
-- Bob Barnetson
Of particular interest to me is panel on using WCB data to improve our knowledge of OHS as well as panels on vulnerable populations and precarious employment.
-- Bob Barnetson
precarious employment,
Wild Rose labour policy MIA
Following on my earlier
discussion of the Progressive Conservative labour platform, I’ve had a couple
of queries about the Wild Rose platform. I’ve spent some time looking through
their website and
can find relatively little on labour matters in their Green Book or elsewhere.
If I have missed something, perhaps someone would be so kind as to point it
What I have found are these promises:
- Withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan and create and Alberta Pension Plan (akin to the Quebec Pension Plan arrangement) (p.72). Weird how the WRA wants to increase labour mobility (see below) but, at the same time, balkanize the pension plan system.
- Take more control over immigration (a la Quebec) to facilitate the entry of “qualified and financially sponsored working-age immigrants” (p.79). This is consistent with the creeping linkage of immigration with employment and economic matters, while traditional immigration concerns (e.g., social justice, political refugees, family reunification) have largely disappeared from discussion
- Expand the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) Alberta signed with BC to other provinces (p.78). Is it too snarky to note that the Wild Rose has the name of TILMA wrong in their Green Book and that TILMA has already been expanded to include Saskatchewan in the New West Partnership Trade Agreement (NWPTA)?
These relatively high-level items
aside, there is no real labour policy laid out. I do note a commitment to
“consulting extensively with industry” (p.83) and “review and reduce
unnecessary regulatory burdens” that “harm.. competitiveness” (p.99).
This language is vague and
expansive enough to house a significant attack on worker rights. For example,
Wild Rose has already mooted a public-sector wage freeze. I'm rather unsettled by the WRA's lack of a position in labour and employment law. But, I suppose, I'm hardly their target audience!
-- Bob Barnetson
labour relations,
political economy,
public policy
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Book: Quiet: The Power of Introverts

Among the points the author canvasses is the utility (or
lack thereof) of techniques such as brain-storming. I still flinch whenever I see a
flip chart! As an aside, the New Yorker had an interesting article about brain storming and teamwork —you can also listen to a podcast about this article.
Cain then explores group and team work, and open plan offices. As an introvert, the worst job I ever had saw me in a cube-farm where my work was constantly interrupted by the lady in the cube next to me discussing day trading (while at "work"!) all day long on the phone. She also discusses the extrovert ideal in leadership roles and different
information processing strengths of introvert and extroverts.
There is nothing particularly earth shattering in Cain’s
book, but if offers a useful corrective to much of the popular discourse on
leadership and organizations—discourse which tends to emphasize extrovert-friendly
behaviours regardless of their actual utility.
-- Bob Barnetson
Friday, April 13, 2012
PTSD coverage for emergency services workers
The Alberta progressive conservative party is promising, if
re-elected, to extend automatic compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder to emergency services personnel. Special treatment for emergency service personnel is not unusual. For example,
certain cancers are automatically compensable for firefighters.
This is likely to be a popular election promise: emergency
services workers are well regarded (they have tough jobs) and the cost of this
promise is relatively low and borne by employers (although, most emergency-service
employers are governments so this is ultimately a tax-funded expenditure).
While I’m sure I’ll take some heat for saying this, I find
this proposal (the sole health and safety plank in the PC platform) to be
pretty disappointing. It would be much more meaningful if the conservative
party took action on either Premier Redford’s promise to extend basic safety rights to farm workers or on Thomas Lukaszuk’s promise to finally ticket unsafe employers. Instead, the PCs make a small-potatoes promise to a group of workers who are already relatively privileged.
This isn’t, however, surprising. The PCs have always been the
party of business and the rest of the PC platform on labour (pp. 28-30) reflects
this. It includes sops to the tarsand and construction industries (more migrant
workers and weaker labour laws to "secur(e) the promise of Alberta's future"!) and some further meaningless platitudes about improving aboriginal employment.
-- Bob Barnetson
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Justifying farm workers exclusion from OHS
I participated in a research panel at Athabasca University where faculty
presented research in progress. I don’t recall the name of my panel (in my mind
it was “Capitalism: Oh My!” but I presume the real name was more scholarly). I
presented on some research I’ve been doing on farm work that is currently in peer review. Below is the 15-minute
presentation I gave.
Alberta’s exclusion of farms workers from health and safety legislation
University Research Forum, April 10, 2012
Barnetson, Associate Professor,
Relations, Athabasca University
is the sole province that excludes agricultural workers from the ambit of its
occupational health and safety act. This exclusion denies workers in one of
Canada’s most hazardous industries basic safety right—things even university
professors take for granted. For example, Alberta farm workers have no right to
know about safety hazards, no right to participate in their remediation and no
right to refuse unsafe work. It also means the government cannot intervene on
farms to ensure workplaces are safe and can’t investigate injuries on farms
except to determine if they are criminal.
faces significant criticism for this exclusion, in part because it seems to
prioritize the interests of farmers over those of workers. This study is a
qualitative content analysis that examines how government members of the
legislative assembly (MLAs) justified this exclusion in the legislative debates
of the past decade. This analysis gives us a sense of how politicians have
sought to resist pressure to regulate farm safety. It also gives us some
insight (albeit imperfect) into the question of why politicians would resist
pressure to regulate farm safety.
I’ve found is that three narratives justifying this regulatory exclusion emerge
from the Hansard statements:
- Education is better than regulation
- Farms cannot be regulated
- Farmers don't want and can't afford regulation
I propose to do with the rest of our time today is outline and critique each of
these narratives.
first narrative is: Education is better than regulation. Herein MLAs assert
that the government’s proper role in farm safety is to provide information
about safe practices—not enforce the adoption of such practices. To justify
this position, MLAs have (at times) suggested that information prevents injury.
At other times, MLAs have asserted that education is more effective than
regulation at preventing injury.
assertions fly in the face of the small number of studies that have been done on
the effect of educational programs on farm safety. They also run contrary to the bulk of the studies about the
effect of educational programs on workplace safety. Basically, the literature (and common sense) suggest that while
knowledge is a prerequisite for safe workplaces, there is little evidence that
knowledge alone has much effect on injury outcomes. Only active regulation has
been shown to reduce workplace injuries.
MLAs’ position (articulated by former premier Ed Stelmach) that “You can’t
legislate common sense” is clearly wrong. Mandatory bike helmets, child car
seats, and seat-belt usage laws all legislate “common sense” and have resulted
in significant injury reductions. Overall, this narrative is invalid.
second narrative is: Farms cannot be regulated. In short, MLAs have asserted
that there is something unique about farms that precludes regulation. Alas,
what is unique about farms is elusive.
sometimes indicate that farms are mixed-use properties (i.e., homes and
businesses) thus cannot be regulated. Unfortunately for this argument, not all
farms have this characteristic—some are just businesses. And the government
does regulate greenhouses, mushroom farms and nurseries—some of which are
mixed-use agricultural operations. Essentially, this is an obviously defective argument—the
government can and does regulate mixed-use work sites.
then switch gears to suggest that “family farms” (which are somehow distinct
from corporate farms) ought not be regulated. But MLAs cannot specify any characteristics of a family farm
that would allow us to distinguish between a “family farm” and a “corporate
farm”. Many small farms are incorporated. Many incorporated farms are family
owned and quite large. Many large farms are sole proprietorships. And so forth.
This argument appears to simply be a rhetorical device to sidetrack discussion.
MLAs will also assert that the nature of the labour force (often comprising friends
and family members) precludes regulation. This ignores that friends and family members
are employed in many businesses (e.g., restaurants, construction, retail), all
of which the government successfully regulates. Again, we have a largely
invalid narrative.
third narrative is: Farmers don’t want and can’t afford regulation. Let’s start
with “farmers can’t afford regulations”. There is no evidence suggesting this is the case—it is just a
bald statement. Further, we expect all other businesses to bear the cost
associated with workplace safe. MLAs never explain why farmers should be
allowed to externalize those costs (in the form of injury) on workers?
this assertion does do is it displaces concerns about worker safety with
concerns about farm bankruptcy. In this way, the desire of farmers (we don’t
want regulation) is turned from a bald statement of self-interest into an
unverifiable rationale (farmers don’t want regulation because they can’t afford
it) that makes farm profitability the paramount concern. Again, hardly a
compelling case for maintaining the exclusion of farm workers.
the arguments MLAs muster to defend this exclusion are so obviously defective, why
then do MLAs continue to resist regulation? Now, it may be that MLAs aren’t
that bright and simply don’t see that the narratives they just to justify the
exclusion are invalid—but I don’t think that is universally the case. Rather, I
think the answers can be found in the votes.
riding have historically elected conservative MLAs. And Conservative MLAs have
ensured that rural riding have maintained disproportionately large
representation in the legislature. In effect, there is a symbiotic relationship
between rural ridings and the conservative government, wherein political
support from ridings (in the form of votes) begets political support from
politicians (in the form of program spending and favourable legislation).
the regulation of workplace safety in agriculture is, then, part of Alberta’s
culture of cronism. The narratives advanced by MLAs simply provide political
cover, both for employers who continue to expose workers to unsafe conditions
and for the politicians that allow this to continue.
Bob Barnetson
farm workers,
political economy,
public policy,
Monday, April 2, 2012
OHS, WCB and temporary employment agencies
A new article entitled “Legal protections governing the occupational safety and health and workers' compensation of temporary employment agency workers in Canada: reflections on regulatory effectiveness” identifies
specific mechanisms by which the legislation succeeds or fails to protect
temporary employment agency employees in Quebec and Ontario employees.
Temporary employment agencies are
increasing in number and entail challenges for traditional employment law. The
triangular relationship between the employment agency, the employer operating
the job site and the worker make it difficult to adequate training, equipment and
participation in job-site OHS.
Temporary workers injured are
less likely to report accidents than “regular” employees and may receive inequitable
wage-loss compensation. There are also complex interactions around return-to-work
and experience rating. In this way, temporary employment agencies are a method
by which employers can externalize organizational costs associated with injury
-- Bob Barnetson
political economy,
precarious employment,
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